Worship Service

Sundays @ 11:00am

We meet weekly for worship (modern music led by our worship team) and teaching (a message given by a pastor or guest speaker).

Children’s Programs

What About My Kid?

During every Sunday service, we have programs specifically designed for your child’s safety, fun, and growth.

Who We Are

What Do You Stand For?

Churches often have much in common, but they can also have crucial differences. We want you to know what we’re about.


Growth Track

Discover Purpose

Growth Track is the quickest way to find out who we are, what we’re all about, and how you fit. It’s built to walk you through what’s next.


Life Groups

Find Freedom

Life Groups are at the core of our discipleship process because we believe that growth happens best in the context of relationships.



Make a Difference

Through serving others, we make a difference in the lives of people and communities around us. Find out where you can get involved!